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Silver Lining Wood & Lacquer Art by Yosuke Urakami A solo exhibition 27.5 - 19.6.2022

Curated and presented by Contemporary Crafts Centre

“Every cloud has a silver lining. When things look ‘black’, there is always some good aspect to it.”

「每朵雲都有一條銀邊: 有些日子雖看起來很不愉快,但終歸都有一絲銀光透現,展露希望。」


Yosuke URAKAMI was born in 1985 on the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture. After graduating from high school, he continued his studies at Tokyo's Kuwasawa Design School which is one of the oldest institutions in Japan offering design education. He studied furniture design and practiced for almost ten years before setting up his own workshop in 2016. He currently works in Zaō town located in Miyagi Prefecture. Yosuke pays attention to detail and ensures that his wood works not only retain the original appearance and texture of the materials, but also reflect the beauty that lacquer art adds to these wood pieces. And due to this reason, he is fond of using silver foil in his creations. The vulcanized silver foil can produce a smoky effect, and create a stunning vintage speckles pattern.


浦上陽介於1985年⽣於長崎縣的五島市。⾼中畢業後,他在東京桑澤設計學校繼續進修。就學期間於家具⼯房受訓約⼗年,並在 2016年⾃⽴⾨⼾。現時在宮城縣的藏王町從事他的木藝創作。浦上陽介著重於物料的質感,因此每個細節都經他悉⼼處理,務求令作品既保留物料的原貌,亦能體現漆藝為作品添加的美態。⾃獨⽴創作以來,浦上陽介很常⽤及銀箔。硫化過後的銀箔能產⽣⼀種煙熏的效果,顏⾊呈暗灰。浦上陽介希望他所製作的漆器,特別是帶有銀箔的漆器能隨使⽤的時間,逐漸變得更為古舊。


Contemporary Crafts Centre

A gallery space dedicated to presenting handcrafted art creations, empowered by Giant Year and SOIL in Hong Kong.

We feature contemporary craft-based artists whose work embraces the increasingly blurred boundaries between art, craft and design.


Shop H, G/F Hollywood Building

186 Hollywood Road (Entrance at Upper Station Street)

Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Opening Hours:

12nn - 6pm, Tuesday-Friday

12nn - 6:30pm, Saturday-Sunday

Off on Monday and public holidays

Enquiry: 2217 9288 / 9559 3908


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