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“Meet the Master GAN Erke” Fine Art Asia 2023 Booth No. A7 VIP INVITATION


The Gallery by SOIL is pleased to represent, National Crafts Master of China, Master GAN Erke exhibiting a special collection of his exquisite lacquer art. This is the first time that these works have been displayed together in Hong Kong. Master GAN Erke will be present at Fine Art Asia in person.

We cordially invite you to join us to meet him during the VIP Preview.

土壤文創很榮幸呈獻國家工藝大師甘而可的漆藝作品,這些難得一見的精選珍品,將在香港首次展出 。甘而可大師將親臨香港出席典亞藝博貴賓預展日。


Meet the Master

GAN Erke

與大師見面 |甘而可

Fine Art Asia 典亞藝博


3:30 - 5:30pm


VIP preview 貴賓預展: 4.10 2 - 9pm (By Invitation Only 只限受邀嘉賓)*

Open to public 公眾開放: 5-7.10 11am - 7pm; 8.10 11am - 6pm

Academic Programme 學術講座:

"The Beauty of Chinese Lacquer : Aesthetics and Collection of Xipi Lacquer"

Speaker GAN Erke

「中國漆器之美: 犀皮漆藝的審美與收藏」


7.10. 2:30 - 3:30pm

Exhibition Venue 展覽地點:

* Each VIP ticket is valid for 2 people for unlimited visits to the fair throughout the period.

貴賓必須預先登記,先到先得。每張 VIP 門票可供 2 人在展覽期間無限次參觀。

More About Fine Art Asia 「典亞藝博」詳情:

Scan our WeChat QR code to know more 掃描我們的微訊二維碼了解更多:


Recognized as a National Crafts Master of China, Gan Erke (b.1955) has established a new standard for lacquer craftsmanship as well as reinvigorating this traditional art with new technical innovations. Preeminent among Gan’s varied lacquer styles is the marbled technique known as “rhinoceros hide” (xipi), a kind of millefiori effect achieved through the application of multiple layers of coloured lacquer. Gan not only inherited this traditional craft, but also added new innovations, most notably his bold color combinations. He has comprehended the Chinese art tradition and developed his way onto a profound level with the embodiment of beauty-appreciation of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Gan’s works reflects his aesthetic attitude whose aim is to sustain or revive the highest levels of traditional craftsmanship, by producing distinctive utilitarian objects of great subtlety and beauty.

Gan lives and works in Anhui, China. Collectors of his lacquer art include National Museum of China, National Palace Museum of China, the British Museum in the UK,The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York in the US, and private collections in China, Hong Kong and abroad. In 2011, Gan was invited to participate in the "International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Lacquerware" hosted by the Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was invited to join the China - Germany International Art Exchange Exhibition held in Germany in 2012. A collection of Gan’s works in collaboration with Shang Xia were presented at Christie’s auction in 2015 and 2017.

甘而可1955年出生於安徽黃山屯溪。甘大師被國務院認定為「國家級非物質文化遺產代表及徽州漆器髹飾技藝傳承人。」 他為中國漆藝建立新的標準,重振了這傳統藝術。在甘大師的各種漆藝風格中,尤以「犀皮」那多層色漆實現的千層效果技術,聞名中外。甘大師不僅繼承傳統工藝,也不忘創新,大膽地運用色彩。他的作品蘊含中國漆器的氣質,體現了宋元時期的美學,也反映了他的審美態度,每一作品無論器形、比例、都表現精密的心思、微妙的細節,優美而獨特,務求達至復興傳統工藝的最高水平。

甘大師現時依然在安徽生活和工作,積極在國內外教學及交流,受到高度評價及獲得廣泛認可和尊重, 他的作品廣受收藏其中包括中國國家博物館、中國故宮博物院、英國大英博物館、美國紐約大都會藝術博物館,以及國內、香港和海外的私人收藏。 2011年他受邀參加由香港中文大學美術館主辦的「中國古代漆器國際研討會」。 2012年受邀參加在德國舉辦的中德國際藝術交流展。2015 及 2017 年甘大師與品牌「上下」合作的作品在佳士得拍賣會上展出及獲得佳績。


Red-gold-patterned Xipi-Lacquer Grand Plum Vase

GAN Erke

Natural lacquer, ramie, ancient tile ash, mineral pigments

H426mm x φ200mm


Green-gold-patterned Xipi-Lacquer Celestial Sphere Vase

GAN Erke

Natural lacquer, ramie, ancient tile ash, mineral pigments and gold leaf

H260mm x φ190mm


Brown- patterned Flowing-Lacquer Censer

GAN Erke

Natural lacquer, ramie, ancient tile ash, mineral pigments

H142mm x φ110mm



Other Highlights

Stag Beetle and His Beloved Water Melon | Maki-e Lacquer Painting


Natural lacquer, wood, linen, natural pigments

W292mm x D380mm x T26mm


Flowing through the rocks I

Yoshihiko MURATA

Natural lacquer, maple wood H345 x W140 xD55mm


Pine cone

LIU Yang

Natural lacquer, ramie

H400mm x φ280mm


Wing of Foliage - color variation


Lacquer, bamboo, linen, Japanese paper, nylon fabric and charcoal powder

H470mm x W370mm x D280mm


Fill with the wind IV

Takeshi IGAWA

Natural lacquer, Washington palm leaf leaf stalk, cloth, etc

H680mm x W490mm x D125mm


Flower of life II


Natural lacquer, cowhide, linen, Japanese paper

H315mm x W280mm x D345mm



The Gallery by SOIL is dedicated to presenting the art of lacquer from Asia. It is probably the first gallery in Hong Kong which brings together lacquer masters and artists of diverse cultures, blending the traditional with the contemporary to showcase variety in the discipline.


Shop 102, 1/F, Barrack Block, Tai Kwun,

10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

Opening Hours:

12nn - 6pm Tuesday - Sunday

Enquiry: 5916 9266 / 9559 3908


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