Commissioning Lacquer Art
Our client says, “Lacquer art requires high level craftsmanship and involves the finest sustainable materials available. It embodies underlying subtlety, holding beauty within its details and maximizing functionality, quite ‘less is more’ aesthetically.” The challenge of making this compact seals case with lift-off lid is about the precision and craftsmanship of both the wood and lacquer making which require extremely meticulous work and patience.
From design, material selection, to assembly, the marvellous team Hikoju Makie @hikoju_makie led by Takashi Wakamiya @twakamiya based in Wajima, Ishikawa prefecture of Japan applies strict production standards to craftsmanship, allowing us to produce this high-quality and intricately-detailed lacquer compact seals case.
Lacquer creation @hikoju_makie Project consultant and management @wawa_kao
The Gallery by SOIL @soil_hongkong